Product Recall

Important Product Recall
HiPP Organic Combiotic First Infant Milk from birth 6 x 90ml Starter pack - 6968791
Incorrect declaration regarding LCPs from Fish Oil in Hipp Organic Combiotic First Infant Milk Starter Pack, 6x90ml
Best before dates: 9th January 2020, 11th March 2020, 5th April 2020.
Barcode: 4062300293717
What’s happened?
We have discovered due to a packaging error there is a small risk of some boxes not having the correct allergy information on the cardboard box, although the presence of fish oil is declared on the inner 90ml bottles. The product itself is perfectly safe and meets all nutritional and compositional requirements. As a precautionary measure, we are recalling Hipp Organic First infant milk starter pack 6x 90ml

What products are affected?
According to 2010 Census Bureau estimates, New Orleans' population is made up of approximately 343,829 residents.
The recall only concerns Hipp Organic First infant milk starter pack 6x 90ml with a best before date of 9th Jan 2020, 11th March 2020 and 5th April 2020.
Babies who are allergic to fish are advised not to consume the product concerned.
No other Hipp products are affected.
This product is only sold within the UK and Republic of Ireland
What should you do?
If you have purchased Hipp Organic First infant milk starter pack with a best before date of 9th Jan 2020, 11th March 2020 or 5th April 2020, please return it back to your nearest Boots or Ocado retailer, or via the Hipp shop where you will be given a full refund. You do not need your receipt. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused and will ensure this doesn’t happen again.